Forceps are very important with regards to fish safety, you should always have a set in your tackle box.

Forceps are used to extract hooks from the fish’s mouth. Sometimes this isn’t easy as the hook can find itself embedded into the fish’s bone.

They are especially required when using barbed or micro-barbed hooks as you want the hook to come out as easily and cleanly as possible.

A greedy fish can suck up your hooklink pretty deep into its mouth, so you have to be prepared. Forceps (or a “pair of forceps”) will help you get your hook out of the fish’s mouth, without the need for you to shove your fingers deep into the fish’s mouth.

Sometimes you will also find other peoples hooks in the fish’s mouth when their rig has snapped off. If the hooks are rusty, the forceps will help you remove the hook.

Carp Care

There is nothing better than catching a great looking fish. There is nothing worse than catching a fish with a disfigured mouth. It is completely unnecessary and uncalled for.

Carp care needs to be the priority for every angler.  It is important that we all take care of the fish we catch.

Using safe rigs contributed hugely towards the welfare of the fish, so ensuring you are using safe rigs is paramount.

Which Forceps to Choose

They are available in all shapes, sizes and lengths but a standard straight nose set has worked well for me. The forceps I use are 8 inches in length. Whichever you choose, you need to be prepared for every situation that you may face.

Fishing Disgorgers

For smaller hooks and small-mouthed fish, typically when match fishing, you can buy a disgorger.

These work by sliding the disgorger on to the fishing line, slide it down towards the hook and push it into the fishes mouth until the hook is out of the lip, then pull the disgorger out of the fish’s mouth with the hook inside of it.

Fishing disgorgers can be bought in different sizes, its advisable that you buy a pack of different sizes so you can use the most suitable disgorger for the size of the fish you have caught.



I have made a lot of mistakes during my fishing sessions and don’t want you to make the same mistakes. I’ve learned the hard way over 20 years of fishing most weekends, testing, tweaking, and testing again and now want to help you excel with your carp fishing.

If you need any help, you can reach me at Fishing Again’s Facebook page

Last Updated on February 6, 2024 by Shane