There are many lead setups on the market that provide their own unique purpose for different carp fishing situations. One of the most popular is the Inline lead rig.

An Inline lead can be a game-changer when used in the right situation. It can improve your overall catch rate and improve your hook holds. However, it can also work against you when used in deep silt.

An Inline lead is a specially designed lead that feeds down your line. Unlike a traditional lead, this one features a hollow center. This eliminates the need for a swivel.

The way the Inline leads are mounted allows the hook link to come into direct contact with the lead fast. This is great for fishing with large fish like the large brown fish.

An Inline lead system is also very simple to set up, eliminating the need for additional moving parts. This eliminates the need for a lead clip and provides a neat and tidy setup.

When using a combination of PVA bags and an Inline lead, make sure that the lead arrangement is minimal.

Although Inline leads are not commonly used for distance casting, they can still fly true through the air. This is because the weight is evenly distributed with the line.

When to Use an Inline Lead

When it comes to using an Inline lead rig, there are a few situations where it can be beneficial.

Inline leads are commonly used in solid-PVA bag fishing. They are compact and provide excellent hook holds. They are ideal for fishing in heavy weed conditions. This setup can be presented on the lakebed using the entire package.

Inline leads are also commonly used for fishing in the edge. This setup is because they provide excellent hook holds. If you see that your bait is not plugged into the lakebed, then you should consider using an Inline lead that has a better hook hold.

When Not to Use an Inline Carp Rig

Although Inline leads are commonly used for certain situations, there are times when you should consider using a different lead arrangement.

Silt is considered to be the most difficult type of lakebed material to accurately fish over. This is because the Inline leads tend to plug into the silt.

Since the lead is directly connected to your hook link, it’s easy for the Inline leads to pull the hook bait and the lead into the silt. This can be very disastrous for fishing as the fish are not able to see the hook bait.

One of the most important factors that you should consider when it comes to fishing for large fish is making sure that your hook bait can be accessed. If you’re using Inline leads, avoid using them in silt.

If you’re not familiar with the lakebed, then using an Inline lead might be a risky move. In this case, you might be fishing on a soft surface. The Inline leads tend to plug into the lakebed, which results in the hooklink coming down with it.

Method Feeders for Carp Fishing
Inline Method Feeders for Carp Fishing

Are Inline Carp Rigs Safe for Fishing With?

Inline leads are generally considered to be safe to use when it comes to fishing for large fish. They can come off the end of the leader or line in the event of a break or crack.

Traditional inline leads are made from a plastic material that’s incredibly slim. This makes them hard to break, and when used with a lead core or a fluorocarbon leader, they won’t fall off.

If you’re replacing your Inline lead, then make sure that you remove the inner tubing. This will allow you to use a tail rubber instead. This will make the lead sit easier on your hook link.

Drop-Off Style Leads are Even Safer

You can also use a drop-off style of Inline lead. This type of lead will allow you to have the lead core pass through the outside of the lead. This will allow it to easily pull away from the tail rubber and the swivel.

What Length Hook Length for Carp Inline Rig?

For me, there are 3 types of rig lengths:

  • Short rigs: 4 to 5’’ or 10 to 12cms – For PVA bag fishing
  • Medium rigs: 8 to 10’’ or 20 to 25cms – For hard bottoms
  • Long rigs: longer than 10’’ or 25cms – For weedy lakes.

What Size and Shape Lead for an Inline Carp Rig?

There are plenty of different types of textured, shaped, and large-sized inline leads available on the market. These all do different things better in certain situations. For instance, block-like leads are great for solid bags and short hooklinks, but they may not be the best choice for distance casting.

Inline leads with a torpedo-like feel are great for casting at range, but they can also roll on uneven surfaces, such as the marginal shelf and gravel bars. Gripper or flat pear inlines are much better for this situation.

Don’t Forget About the Semi-Fixed Rig

A small fish can feel the resistance of an attached lead, and it shakes its head in response to the pick-up. This is typically the reaction that occurs when a standard lead set-up is used. However, sometimes, the fish are wise to this feeling and use the force of the shaking to throw the hook.

To give the fish something different, it’s a good idea to attach an inverted lead in a semi-fixed manner. This will allow the fish to feel the resistance of the lead while it tries to spit or shake its head. This will then allow the lead to be dislodged from the line, and this will turn the aborted take into a screamer.

Further Reading


I have made a lot of mistakes during my fishing sessions and don’t want you to make the same mistakes. I’ve learned the hard way over 20 years of fishing most weekends, testing, tweaking, and testing again and now want to help you excel with your carp fishing.

If you need any help, you can reach me at Fishing Again’s Facebook page

Last Updated on February 12, 2024 by Shane