Sharp hooks These are critical in my opinion; you absolutely must have sharp hooks. If you haven’t got sharp hooks at the lakeside, you may as well be sitting there will a spoon on the end on your line. Again there are loads of different types, loads of sizes…. Argh...
The explanation doesn’t require much detail, but you need scissors to cut your line, cut your boilie stops, cut anti-tangle tubing etc. Most scissors will do the job, but the sharper the better. I have the Korda Razorblades (click here to see them on Amazon) and they...
Today I’m just going to run you through my thoughts on fishing leads also known as fishing weights, when to use them, with what rig and how to get the best out of them. Why do you need a lead? Nine times out of ten when you are carp fishing you need a lead of...
My suggestion is 10lb+ monofilament fishing line, simply because braid is banned as a mainline on most of my local waters. I’m currently using 15lb Daiwa Sensor monofilament – It came free with my reels! This is available for about £5 for 300 meters. The minimum I am...
My first reels are Shimano 10000RA baitrunner reels – they have proved to be an excellent starter fishing reel and the action of the reel is pretty smooth. The baitrunner clutch is at the back, some people say its better at the front due to it being directly...
So, back to the rods – what do you need? I still have my bargain rods which are Oakwood Carp; these are 12ft 2 piece rods and have a test curve of 2.5lbs. They have done reasonably well so far, they are the best rod so I will be upgrading soon, they have done their...